Harrow Green Party and its local election candidates would like to thank all our supporters, whether you were kind enough to put your names to our candidates’ nomination papers or trusted us by putting a cross for the Greens on your ballot paper.

Although the media focused its attention on other parties’ victories, a Green vote was not a wasted vote nationally. The Greens from this election earned 160 council seats. The Green Party is the official opposition party in Liverpool, Islington and Solihull.

With great pleasure we reassure voters that the Green Party always has been and still is funded by the many modest contributions of its members and supporters instead of being funded by big business, organised labour or collectives of very rich businessmen.

The Green Party will always hold a positive vision of how the world can be a better place, gaining votes by campaigning for the common good rather than basing arguments on prejudices.

We thank you for your trust in Harrow Green Party and The Green Party as a whole. This is a trust we will always hold dear and never misuse. The Green Party is for the common good.

Green Party candidates – 2014 Borough Election

Madeleine Lauder-Atkins, Dario Celaschi, Michael Gubbins, Rowan Langley, Lawrence Mathias and Karen Pillai