A Wembley volunteer who spent three months teaching deprived children in Peru has raised money for charity in a 10km run.

Meryl Noronha, 24, decided to take part in the British 10k run in central London after spending time teaching in Villa El Salvador, on the outskirts of Lima, at the beginning of the year.

When she came back to the UK she started campaigning for the people she met. She handed a giant photo-petition to Environment Minister Caroline Spelman, calling for better access to clean water and she spent a week living on £1 a day.

She said: “I wanted a challenge that my friends and family would see was a struggle and a test of endurance. It parallels the endurance I saw the people of Peru had.

“Throughout the race what got me through was thinking of the people I was running for in Peru – the kids I taught and the community I lived in.”

Meryl has raised more than £100 for international charity Progressio, which works to give poor communities in developing countries the chance to improve their lives.

For more information and to donate, click here.