THE Harrow count has started in the referendum on whether to introduce AV as the voting system for the House of Commons.

The turn out in the borough is 37.9 per cent, with 62,000 people flocking to polling stations to have their say on the future of British democracy.

Counting agents at Byron Hall, in Christchurch Avenue, have finished sorting the ballot papers, having started at 4pm.

The count itself has now begun and is expected to finish in the next two hours.

Results have started coming in around the country with 68.75 per cent, or more than 100,000, voting 'no', of those already counted.

Elsewhere Councillor Mark Versallion (Cons/Stanmore Park) is waiting to hear the outcome of his bid to be elected to a second ward, Heath and Reach, on Central Bedfordshire Council.

If he wins he says he will stand down in Harrow, if asked to do so by his party.