I am writing with regard to what seems to be the quite recent illegal advertising of massage and escort services within phone boxes in the borough of Harrow. These are actually a front for other services, namely prostitution, and I believe they send out a really dangerous message, especially to our young people. I read a report just a few months ago in the Harrow Times which said that prostitution is on the increase in Harrow, with many of the women forced to work in these places against their will to pay back their “gang masters” and abductors. They are often raped, abused and forced to sleep with up to 20 men a day, sometimes even more. I have brought this issue up at previous local council meetings, but I get the impression that people do not seem too bothered by it.

The catalyst for me writing this letter was the story in the national press of a young woman from Moldova who was forced to work against her will as a prostitute in several different countries, having been kidnapped at the age of 14. This story had a profound effect on me. The young lady was eventually found in a brothel here in Harrow, and this is the reason I write this letter.

If you see anyone putting up these “adverts” in phone boxes, please alert the police or perhaps bring this issue up yourselves with your local councillors or safer neighbourhood teams. It is up to all of us to put an end to this appalling practice and show that the people of Harrow are united on this issue and will do everything they can to stamp it out.

Asad Riaz
Hide Road, Harrow