The Labour executive on Brent Council destroyed the hopes of its residents by voting to close six beloved libraries last week.

Residents have worked so hard to prevent this decision by signing petitions, responding to the ‘so-called’ consultation, attending meetings, lobbying the executive and holding public meetings, but all to no avail.

Instead, Labour has assumed the role of dictator, bulldozing through the great democratic traditions of this country.

The only difference between political dictators in the wider world and the Labour administration here in Brent is that they use weapons to suppress the voices of people, while Labour have used pen and paper to do the same.

For Labour, consultation is simply a notification of their intentions. They issued a consultation document because they were obliged to, but when people responded overwhelmingly that they wanted to keep their local libraries open, they ignored them.

Residents do not want a super library, but Labour isn’t listening.

Residents are flabbergasted that not only have the ten Labour executive members rejected the wishes of the people, but that all 40 Labour councillors voted down the motion of the Conservative and Lib Dem Groups at the recent Extraordinary Meeting. Labour’s Preston Councillors should be particularly ashamed.

Labour cannot try to lay blame on Central Government for the closures when the truth is that their previous Labour Government kept borrowing beyond their means, leaving a legacy of debt and waste and a ruined economy.

This country is now paying £120 million a day in interest just to service the debt. Gordon Brown told us that he had abolished boom and bust. He certainly abolished the boom and we all are now bust.

Despite such difficult financial circumstances, this Government has given more freedom to local government to use money according to local needs by removing ring fencing.

Brent has also received £2.5m from the Government to protect frontline services, but Labour chose to put this money into reserves. Had this money been used correctly, libraries could have remained open.

This is simply another example of how this Labour administration remains inefficient, incompetent and visionless.

If the Labour executive that made this monstrous decision used libraries themselves, maybe they could see the joy and pleasure that books provide, to young and old alike.

They may also appreciate that libraries educate for the future. If this reckless behaviour goes on, I despair to think of what will become of Brent and its future generations.

Councillor Harshadbhai Patel
Conservative,Preston ward