CHILDREN at an Edgware school were treated to a PE lesson from a gold medallist last week.

Pupils and staff at Edgware Jewish Primary School in Hammond Close welcomed Commonwealth Gold Medalist, Larry Achike as part of the Team Super Schools (TSS) Awards Scheme.

The Shaftsbury Barnet Harrier took time out from his busy training schedule to support the scheme, which aims to inspire children to have fun while exercising, fundraise for their school and meet celebrity sport personalities.

The Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games triple-jumper demonstrated his skills and answered the pupils' questions before they took to the track in a sponsored fitness circuit.

The children were sponsored to do sit ups, spotty dogs, leg drives and press ups.

Headteacher, Sara Keen said: “This was a fabulous opportunity for the children to meet such an inspiring person. We look forward to arranging a similar event in the future.”

The money raised will go towards purchasing new sports equipment for the school, and a portion will go to TSS.

Shiri Green, a Year three pupil, said: "It was exciting and fun. It was really nice having Mr Achike come to our school. He told us how he became an athlete and answered all our questions."