It is really heartening to know that my appeal has not fallen on deaf ears!This borough is known for "closing ranks"in the face of any common threat.

Make no mistake!This is precisely what the closure of our LOCAL Magistrate's Court represents.Once this precious resource is lost,it will vanish forever.We must make sure we do whatever it takes to ensure that this is not prized out of our hands .

There are very sound reasons which will,undoubtedly, be expertly catalouged by all the eminent folk who will be representing us---the humble citizens of HARROW.

We have some fantastic people in this borough,ordinary citizens going about their daily business,who will surely a join in this campaign to save our Magistrate's court and lobby anyone with influence who can speak on our behalf to the Justice Secretary.

Time is short.Deadline for consultation ends 15 September.So let's get on with it double quick!Roll up all caring ,loyal Harrovians.

Together,we can and will persuade Ken Clarke that we are not for turning.WE desperately NEED our LOCAL Court.

Our backs are now literally against the wall. Isn't it wonderful to see politicians of every ilk and the "movers and shakers"in our all line up together as a UNITED TEAM-- to fight for our rights.Bit like David and Goliath!More power to their elbow.Makes us proud to be Harrovians.

Never under-estimate people power!Together we are an invincible force.Keep up the good work and lobby hard till we achieve what is so important to us Harrovians---retenti on of our LOCAL court.