With reference to C Kendall’s response (‘Parking was no political matter’, Your Views, May 20) to my earlier letter I wish to clarify two points Firstly, CPZ may suit you but does it suit your elderly neighbour a few doors down or the mother with three young children two streets away? The West Harrow scheme was implemented in conjunction with an extensive yellow line network which means many residents can not park near their own homes.

This has also increased the volume of vans and trucks that use the roads as they now have less hampered access to speed through this residential area. And boy, do they speed.

In essence, changes to our community have a community impact — it’s not just about suiting me or you.

Secondly, my point was about Harrow Council’s arrogant and general railroading attitude to resident’s genuine concerns pre and post implementation of the CPZ and yellow lines. I’m sure you also read the piece in this paper last week confirming that approach and attitude is rife within the council.

We can only hope, for our community’s sake, that there is a cultural change within the council driven by the new councillors and that the ethos becomes more partnership with residents rather than bullying and a default position of ‘no’.

G Barnes, West Harrow