A bizarre result occurred in the local elections and the award-winning Harrow Council has passed to Labour.

The same Labour group that last time gave us a 21 per cent tax rise, a £9 million black hole in the finances and prompted the creation of the Harrow Council Tax Campaign.

This Labour group previously squandered £20m in reserves and reduced the council to a sinking wreck. Just what are they any good at? Labour brought in 200 trade union activists to shore up its support in Harrow West. Sadly we council taxpayers will now pay for this.

Given that the Labour group lacks any finance expertise — we should expect a return to budget overspends — what Labour calls expenditure brought forward and council tax increases.

As surely as day follows night, under Labour the council will deteriorate and we’ll all have to wait four years before the situation can be reversed.

The Labour group is going to wreck the three-star council because that’s what they do — just look at the state the country is in.

They aren’t fit for purpose – a fact that will soon become apparent to all. So batten down the hatches because someone sent in the clowns.

Pravin Seedher, Hawthorn Drive, Harrow