The West Harrow Tory councillors have lost their seats from not paying enough attention to people’s views on the CPZ and the double yellow lines, especially the excessive length of the lines around the corners.

The local Labour councillors agreed with us over the length of the double yellows, lets see if they still do now the ball is in their court.

The outgoing Conservatives did save the borough from going bankrupt though. They deserve a pat on the back for that.

The old Labour council spent money they didn’t have; lets hope they do better this time.

Not one of the Conservative councillors ever came to any of our public meetings held in our local church hall. If they had, they might have had an idea of how strong folks felt over these issues. Let’s see if this new administration fares any better. I am not holding my breath.

Some of the comments made by Susan Hall at the public meetings in the civic centre didn’t help the Tory cause either. Well here’s to the next five years — good or bad.

Shirley Mills, Bouverie Road, West Harrow