Would you like your wedding reception to run smoothly? Then look no further as Peter Jones, professional toastmaster is on hand with advice.

Peter, 56, has been a professional toastmaster and a master of ceremonies since 1985.

The role is not as formal as it used to be and Peter describes himself as friendly and conversational'. Although the role still requires certain etiquette.

He speaks at weddings, dinner parties and funerals.

He was the compere of a group called Kentertainers' when a friend was worried about what to say at a formal dinner. Peter was called upon and he enjoyed speaking professionally so much that he decided to make a career of it.

He then went on a three week intensive course and shadowed a professional toastmaster. He learnt how to make announcements and how to project his voice.

He then joined the Guild of Professional Toastmasters and he is now a chairman and trainer for the Professional Toastmasters Academy.

Peter from Silver Close in Harrow said:"I have years of experience and I am used to speaking to any crowd with confidence."

At some weddings he has also given speeches in different languages for example Italian and German.

Peter said: "The most important thing is being prepared for the event.

"Whatever event I cover I always give it my best as there is no rehearsals, it is a one off event."

For weddings Peter arranges a meeting a month before the wedding to discuss the reception detail, to offer professional help, give guidance and assist with preparation.

One of his favourite events is weddings although he commented that they do not always go to plan.

Being a toastmaster is traditionally a British profession. He has travelled all over the UK, Scotland, Ireland Wales. Now he plans to concentrate within the Greater London area.

He has also organised royal charity events such as one for Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson.

Peter is also a Humanist Minister for non- religious funeral ceremonies. He is accredited by the British Humanist Association.

He does some research on the person that has died and does a speech on their life.

He said: "I find it rewarding that I am able to help people out when they need it.

"I always try to capture the essence of the person who has passed away."

If anyone is interested in hiring Peter contact him on 020 8428 9552 or peter@pjones21.fsnet.co.uk