Applause rippled through the streets of Harrow as army, navy and air cadets marched in the borough's Remembrance Day parade.

Hundreds lined the streets of Harrow town centre as the Glen Trew Pipe Band led the parade to a service outside the Civic Centre in Station Road.

Harrow Mayor Cllr Nana Asante led dedications, joined by representatives from the armed forces, the Royal British Legion and schoolchildren from the borough.

After a two minutes’ silence, hymns were sung followed by a wreath laying ceremony.

Harrow Interfaith Council led an Act of Commitment and winning entries from a poetry competition for children were read out.

Cllr Asante said: “The input of our young people into Harrow’s Remembrance Sunday celebrations shows the depth of community spirit in the borough with a higher than ever number in our parade of over 400.

“Through our annual poetry competition younger residents put time and effort into remembering those who have gone before them, marking the day with creativity and reflection.  Without the sacrifices made by young servicemen and women, we would not be standing here today.

“I was delighted to have met the poetry competition winners and highly commended poets and I was very impressed by their poems.”