Thousands of homes and businesses could be left without post as staff at Stanmore’s Royal Mail sorting office stage a walkout for the first time in almost 30 years.

Up to 50 workers at the Parr Road distribution centre will go on strike for 24 hours tomorrow (Wednesday) amid accusations of harassment and bullying by senior managers and unfair workloads.

Further strike action has already been predicted for next week, with the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) claiming there are currently no talks.

The strike is the first industrial action, independent of national walkouts, at the Stanmore branch since the 1980s.

The CWU says 98 per cent of its members voted in favour of a strike over the long-running feud.

Ian Murphy, Harrow and District branch representative for the CWU, claims that negotiating with management at the Stanmore office has been “like walking through treacle”.

He said: “I find myself unable to negotiate with them. I have never experienced a workplace environment like this in my 33 year career – it is very tense.

“They have failed to properly deal with allegations of harassment dating back to last year and we are making no progress with them.

“This is absolutely a last resort but further strikes are very likely. There are no talks going on at all – it seems they’re more worried about trying to get some cover than finding a resolution.”

Workers are due to stage a picket outside the Honeypot Business Centre, off Honeypot Lane, tomorrow, in an attempt to stop deliveries arriving at the sorting office.

Senior managers are understood to be attempting to arrange last minute cover from Bedfordshire but postal services are expected to be severely affected.

One member of staff, who did not wish to be named, told the Harrow Times the union had voted to strike on the sorting office’s busiest day in order to cause the maximum disruption.

He said: “We’re taking a stand. Harassment and bullying is not something we should have to put up with. We have tried talking to the mangers but we have been ignored.”

The sorting depot distributes letters and parcels to approximately 12,500 homes and businesses across Stanmore.

Royal Mail representative Valerie Antoine said: “It is disappointing that our colleagues based at the Stanmore delivery office have decided to take industrial action tomorrow and we will do everything we can to minimise the disruption to our customers.

“Royal Mail is fully committed to the process of trying to resolve concerns of postal workers based in Stanmore by continuing to follow the national jointly-agreed framework with the Communication Workers Union.

“We urge the CWU not to call our people out on strike action, which can only hurt our customers and damage our business and our drive to build a strong and sustainable future for Royal Mail.”