Harrow Borough Council is recruiting members of the public to become school governors.

The council wants people to help make a difference in the education of the borough’s children by joining a school’s governing body.

The role will involve supporting the headteacher and helping to make vital decisions about how schools are run.

Alison Rattary-Clarke, 36, from Edgware, became a governor at Weald Infant and Junior Schools in November 2011 and has been chair of governors since September 2012.

Her six-year-old son is a pupil at the school and she said: “I always wanted to be part of my child’s education and it’s nice to get an insight into how schools are run and be part of the process.

“We make strategic decisions, look at spending, pupil achievement and carry out visits, where we learn if new projects have been successful and how different areas of the school are performing.

“Being a governor is very rewarding but you have to be a good team player, although there are also opportunities to work on your own.

“You’ve also got to be a people person because you work with parents, teachers and children, so you have to be good at talking to a range of people.”

Governors are all volunteers and people are always needed in the role.

According to the council, a number of schools in the borough have vacancies at the moment.

To find out more about becoming a governor email governorservices@harrow.gov.uk or call 020 8736 6504.