HARROW's first multiple sclerosis specialist nurse has been welcomed to the borough by the Mayor.

Christine MacManus, who took up the post at the end of last month, met Councillor Janet Cowan when she was a guest at a social event held by the Harrow and district branch of the multiple Sclerosis Society.

She explained to members the service she offers to people wioth MS and how and where they could contact here.

As well as accepting referrals from GPs and social services, she will also see people who approach her directl;y.

Her working hours are 8am to 6pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and 8am to 5.30pm on Fridays, although these days may change.

To contact her, leave a message on 020 8869 3773 and she will return thecall, although not necessarily on the same day.

She also does home visits.

At present she is based in the physical disability support team at Northwick Park Hospital in harrow.

Linda Hammond of the local branch of the MSS said: "This is a very valuable service that the nurse offers and the campaign since 2001 for funding to create this post since 2001 has been worth the wait.

"We are very lucky to have a specialist nurse, especially in this current climate of cutbacks.

"So if you have this debilitating disease please make use of this service and get an assessment."