In his letter, (“Will excellent work continue?”, June 10) Mr Mudhar states that “professional Conservative councillors” listened to local residents and got things done. He goes on to claim that as a result of listening to local people, the Greenhill allotments were brought back into use. Sounds good? Well yes – except that my husband and I overlook the Greenhill allotments and indeed have an allotment there ourselves, so know first hand that the site has been under continuous cultivation for the last twenty years (at least).

To suggest it had to be brought back into use seems rather disrespectful to the many allotment holders there whose plots are enviably well kept and unbelievably productive.

However I am grateful that the previous administration got the taps on the allotment fixed when they needed new washers, so I will do my best to ensure that the Labour administration keeps up the good work.

Councillor Sue Anderson, Labour, Greenhill ward