A CHARITY held its annual garden party for Harrow residents who are carers for relatives and friends.

Mayor of Harrow Councillor Asad Omar was the guest of honour at the Harrow Carers event, held to recognise those people who give up their time to look after others.

Mike Coker, chief executive of the charity, said: “Today is about celebrating carers' generosity and the nature of the society in which we are supporting each other.

“Carers aren't as hidden as they used to be, and not all have the level of need where they come to organisations like us, but it is our job to find the people we still haven't reached.”

The annual event was held to coincide with National Carers Week, and comes at a time when Harrow Carers has launched a new website and is edging towards a move to a new base in Pinner Road, North Harrow.

Cllr Omar, who has experience caring for his wife before she died earlier this year, said to the scores of carers at the event: “What you are doing, looking after a loved one or a neighbour, is a very good service, not just for them but for the community at large.

“I would say to you that you have to look after yourself as well, because if you get ill, who's going to look after you?”

Harrow Carers offers support, advice and training for volunteer carers across the borough, helping them to come to terms with their role and to offer them an avenue for time off with regular day trips and events such as the one today, held at the Nilands Centre in Bushey Heath.

Terence Frisch, 44, who has for the last five years been caring for his mother, Rose, who has vascular dementia and Parkinson's disease, joined Harrow Carers yesterday.

He said: “Not everybody has the same needs, and Harrow Carers understands that.

“I am lucky that I can take my mother out to the theatre, we can use public transport – there is a lot you can get out of being a carer that people aren't aware of.

“It can be a very rewarding role, but it is about having the right support and the right mental attitude.”

More information can be found about the charity and how to get involved at www.harrowcarers.org.