ASSAULT, robbery and vehicle crime are rife in Harrow, according to recent statistics published by the Metropolitan Police.

Massive rises, way above the London average, were recorded for the period between April and September.

Robbery in Harrow increased by a whopping 32 per cent, against a London-wide decrease of 11.1 per cent. Violence against the person went up by 8.6 per cent across London, yet in Harrow it soared by 9.8 per cent.

Vehicle crime was another black spot, with rises of 1.4 per cent compared with a cross-capital fall of 14.9 per cent.

Overall figures were also disappointing. Total crime dropped by just 0.9 per cent, well below the London-wide figure of 2.1 per cent.

Harrow Police have been forced into swift action in a desperate bid to reverse the figures.

Codenamed Operation Challenger, a new initiative has been launched to crackdown on crime.

Detective Inspector Andy Slater said: "Under Challenger we have created a team that is able to respond quickly and in a proactive manner to street crime. This means getting to the victim quickly and achieving the best opportunity to identify any suspects."

The operation will direct other borough police resources, such as its problem solving team and street duty officers towards priority crimes.

The presence of street wardens and CCTV cameras will be increased, while assistance from other Metropolitan Police units, Mounted Branch, Air Support, Territorial Support Group and Transport Command will be called upon.

Harrow's sole consolation was burglary figures, which decreased by 23.4 per cent against a fall of 9.5 per cent throughout London.

Detective Chief Inspector Allan Aubeelack said: "We remain one of the top boroughs in London for the detection of residential burglary."

Gun enabled crime dropped by 11.1 per cent, while also falling by 14.9 per cent across the capital.

For crime prevention information and advice please call South Harrow Police Station on 020 8733 3465.