HATCH End has built up a reputation for being as noted for its cuisine at it is for its local arts centre.

Punters going to Harrow Arts Centre, which is just off Uxbridge Road, have a variety of choices for their pre-concert meal, as well as a host of shops to browse.

Sitting alongside Continental restaurants Sazios, Hatchets, and Black Pepper is award winning fish and chip shop Sea Pebbles.

Owner Savvas said he is proud of his shop's tradition and the fact it serves food for the local community.

He said: “Hatch End is a place for the local businesses.

“Everyone is going through a bad time at the moment, but we have great support from everyone in the local area.

“We have been here for a long time and hopefully we will be for a long time yet.”

Harrow Council and the Harrow Times have launched a campaign, called Love Harrow Shop Local, to show what is on offer from local shops, cafes, restaurants, and businesses in the borough.

Hatch End boasts 15 restaurants in the small stretch of Uxbridge Road close to the arts centre, Harrow's premier entertainment venue.

It is also the former home of Mrs Beeton, author of housewives' manual Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management, who lived in Chandos Villas in Hatch End.

Hatchets restaurant owner Aziz Yildirimoglu said all the businesses are struggling at the moment in the recession, but anything that helps is gratefully received.

He said: “Hatch End is a great place for eating out in, but people are not going out as much as they used to.

“Business is really down, and we need some financial help and relief to get us through this.”

Representatives from the Harrow Times and the council will be visiting businesses across the borough to promote the campaign and put up posters about the help available to struggling entrepreneurs.