A nurse who removed a man’s nipple with a scalpel has been struck off. 

Nathan Arnold, 48, of South Kensington, was part of a lucrative extreme body modifications group in which members carried out male castration, penis removal and other “grisly” procedures on an unprecedented scale. 

Procedures were videoed and posted on ringleader Marius Gustavson’s Eunuch Maker website which netted more than £300,000 between 2017 and 2021. 

Arnold, a registered nurse, admitted mutilating one of Gustavson’s nipples in the summer of 2019. 

He also Arnold pleaded guilty to the theft of local anaesthetic lidocaine from the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and accepted a further offence of possessing extreme pornography. 

Last month Arnold was sentenced to two years in custody suspended for two years and 100 hours of unpaid work. 

He was also given a 60-days rehabilitation activity requirement and an alcohol treatment requirement. 

On Friday, May 10, a Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) panel decided he should be banned from the profession. 

The panel said: “Mr Arnold’s actions raise fundamental questions about his professionalism and significantly undermined the standards expected of a registered nurse. 

“The panel considered Mr Arnold’s actions to be fundamentally incompatible with him remaining on the register.” 

Gustavson, the ringleader of the site, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 22 years while six other men received jail terms of between four-and-a-half years and 12 years for their part in the plot.