Harrow’s first east African mayor says that he wishes to “embrace cultural diversity” in the borough.

Cllr Ramji Chauhan was sworn in as mayor in Harrow at a Harrow Arts Centre ceremony last Thursday (May 18).

Cllr Chauhan was born in Uganda and evacuated to Britain during the expulsion of Asians in the 1970s, when he was a young boy.

The 58-year-old has lived in Harrow for more than 30 years after settling in the UK.

Here is what you need to know about him:

Getting into politics

His political career started in 2010 when he was elected as a councillor for Harrow Weald, with a particular interest in protecting the green belt.

While serving for more than a decade, he also sits on a number of committees and panels at Harrow Council and represents the council in local environmental and conservation organisations.

Personal life

The dad of two sons has been described as a “dedicated family man” by Harrow Council.

Aside from politics he has worked in the pharmaceutical industry, while his wife works in Northwick Park Hospital.

Given his close links to the medical fields, Cllr Chauhan did his own personal prayer during his ceremony in tribute to the lives lost to Covid-19.

‘Unity and diversity’

During the ceremony, he said that his theme for the year is unity and diversity.

He said: “It is an honour to be sworn in as the new mayor and first citizen of Harrow. My theme this year is unity and diversity – I hope to continue to unite everyone together, celebrate our differences and embrace cultural diversity.”

‘Continues to do great things for Harrow’

Outgoing mayor Cllr Janet Mote said: "This has been an extraordinary year with a lot of historical events, and I am proud to have represented my borough in the best way that I can. I have met so many great people and organisations that bring the Harrow community together.

"I have enjoyed every event I attended this year and there have been hundreds. The highlight has been attending all the religious and community events which make you realise how diverse and exciting the borough is.

"I would like to thank everyone for their support during my mayoral year. I wish the incoming mayor the very best and hope he continues to do great things for Harrow.”