The UK’s response to monkeypox should be praised, an expert in infectious diseases has said, as he noted that superspreader events are likely to be behind the rise in global cases.

Sir Jeremy Farrar, the director of Wellcome, said “we have never seen anything like this before, with such a number of cases” in so many countries.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) will release updated figures on the situation in the UK on Monday, with 20 cases recorded to date.

Cases of monkeypox have been reported in 14 countries, according to epidemiologists at Harvard University who are tracking the spread, including 40 cases in Spain and 23 in Portugal.

We've taken a look back at all of the advice from the UKHSA since the first confirmed case in the UK on May 7, 2022.

READ MORE: What is monkeypox and why should you be concerned?

READ MORE: New monkeypox guidance tells high-risk close contacts to isolate for 21 days

23 May, 2022

Scotland confirms first monkeypox case

Scotland has recorded the first case of monkeypox in the country, Public Health Scotland (PHS) has confirmed.

The person is “being managed and treated in line with nationally agreed protocols and guidance”, according to Dr Nick Phin, the medical and public health science director at PHS said on Monday.

20 May, 2022

20 cases of monkeypox confirmed in England

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has detected 11 additional cases of monkeypox in England.

The latest cases bring the total number of monkeypox cases confirmed in England since 6 May to 20.

A notable proportion of early cases detected have been in gay and bisexual men and so UKHSA is urging this community in particular to be alert.

Dr Susan Hopkins, Chief Medical Adviser, UKHSA, said: "A notable proportion of recent cases in the UK and Europe have been found in gay and bisexual men so we are particularly encouraging them to be alert to the symptoms and seek help if concerned.

Clinicians should be alert to any individual presenting with unusual rashes without a clear alternative diagnosis and should contact specialist services for advice."

READ MORE: Doctor warns of rising monkeypox transmission with ‘more cases each day’

18 May, 2022

Two more cases of monkeypox identified by UKHSA

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has detected 2 additional cases of monkeypox, one in London and one in the South East of England.

The latest cases bring the total number of monkeypox cases confirmed in England since 6 May to 9, with recent cases predominantly in gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men (MSM).

The 2 latest cases have no travel links to a country where monkeypox is endemic, so it is possible they acquired the infection through community transmission.

READ MORE: First case of monkeypox detected in Scotland

16 May 2022

Four more cases of monkeypox indentified by UKHSA

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has detected 4 additional cases of monkeypox, 3 in London and one linked case in the North East of England.

The 4 new cases do not have known connections with the previous confirmed cases announced on 14 May and the case announced on 7 May.

Harrow Times:  Eleven more cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in the UK, bringing the total to 20 (Alamy/PA) Eleven more cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in the UK, bringing the total to 20 (Alamy/PA)

Investigations are underway to establish links between the latest 4 cases, who all appear to have been infected in London. All 4 of these cases self-identify as gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men (MSM). 

Currently, common contacts have been identified for 2 of the 4 latest cases.  

There is no link to travel to a country where monkeypox is endemic, and exactly where and how they acquired their infections remains under urgent investigation, including whether they have further links to each other.

14 May 2022

Two additional cases of monkeypox identified in London

Two people were diagnosed with monkeypox in London, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirmed.

The cases live together in the same household. They are not linked to the previous confirmed case announced on 7 May. Where and how they acquired their infection remains under investigation.

One of the cases is receiving care at the expert infectious disease unit at St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London. The other case is isolating and does not currently require hospital treatment.

7 May, 2022

First case confirmed in England

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirmed one person had been diagnosed with monkeypox in England.

The patient had recent travel history from Nigeria, which is where they are believed to have contracted the infection, before travelling to the UK.

The patient is receiving care at the expert infectious disease unit at the Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London.

Harrow Times: St Mary’s Hospital (Myung Jung Kim/PA)St Mary’s Hospital (Myung Jung Kim/PA)

Dr Nicholas Price, Director NHSE High Consequence Infection Diseases (airborne) Network and Consultant in Infectious Diseases at Guy’s and St Thomas’, said:

The patient is being treated in our specialist isolation unit at St Thomas’ Hospital by expert clinical staff with strict infection prevention procedures. This is a good example of the way that the High Consequence Infectious Diseases national network and UKHSA work closely together in responding swiftly and effectively to these sporadic cases."