PLANNING application for the first state-funded Hindu school in the country is being heard on Wednesday (July 25).

The I-foundation's plans to build the state-funded Krishna Avanti School on the William Ellis Playing Field, Camrose Avenue, Edgware, were submitted to Harrow Council's planning department back in May.

One of the main issues plaguing the building of the school is the loss of open space to the residents of Edgware.

Len Halsey, chairman of the William Ellis Residents Association, said: "The developments at Prince Edward playing field, Edgware Town football club and William Ellis will account for the loss of some 50 acres of open space in what is arguably one of the most deprived areas of the borough in terms of green open space. It is clear there is a vast overdevelopment in the Edgware area."

He added: "As a principle, we have always supported the idea of a Hindu school in the borough but what we are saying is the location is not the right place for the school."

A spokesperson for Harrow council told the Harrow Times that there is also concern among the residents of Edgware that the building of a specialised school may result in the Hindu community removing their children from the mixed state schools, having a knock-on effect in the education system.

The application includes detailed technical assessments of the school's impact on the local environment including transport and access, water and flooding, ground conditions, ecology, air quality and noise.

However, Mr Halsey said: "The environmental impact of these developments has not been fully assessed, especially with respect to traffic and the ability of the infrastructure to cope with such rapid change, and it is the residents of Edgware who are going to suffer as a result."

Nitesh Gor, director of I-Foundation, said: "We have consulted extensively with the local community over the past six months and feel that the planning application we have submitted is for a school that can be a beacon for Harrow and something the whole community can be proud of."

The planning application for the building of the Hindu school will be heard at Harrow Civic Centre next Wednesday, July 25, at 7pm.