HARROW Council is to hold a public meeting on its budget plans for 2007-08.

Cllr David Ashton, deputy leader of the council and finance portfolio holder, said it was part of the Conservative administration's "drive to make the council more accessible and accountable".

"We will be holding our next public meeting on the December 21," he said.

The aim was to listen to residents' views.

"More than 150 members of the public attended the first meeting, to quiz the council's portfolio holders on their running of the council, and we hope that people will take up this opportunity to do so again," Cllr Ashton said.

"As portfolio holder for finance and business matters, I will be highlighting the difficulties and tough decisions needed in order to restore financial stability to Harrow, whilst, with colleagues, genuinely listening to the suggestions and comments, you, the public, put forward."

The meeting will be in in the council chamber at the Civic Centre at 7.30pm on December 21.

The council's cabinet will consider the draft medium-term budget strategy the week before, on December 14. It's meeting, at the Centre Cente, is also open to public.