With the sunshine and blue skies predicted to continue this weekend (please don’t write in to complain if it turns out grey and wet), you don’t want to be stuck indoors listening to a talk on architecture, you want to be outdoors walking around visiting the buildings themselves while you listen to their fascinating histories.

Which is just what is on offer from Harrow Hill Trust with the latest in their series of walks around Harrow on the Hill and surrounding areas.

Jonathan Edwards will be leading Architects on the Hill this Sunday, in which you will be taken around sites associated with the likes of Charles Forster Hayward, Charles Robert Cockerell and, one of the 19th Century’s most famous architects, George Gilbert Scott.

“Scott is best known for the Royal Albert Memorial and the hotel at St Pancras,” says Jonathan, who has been a member of the Trust for six years and has taken over the walks from local historian Don Walter. “He did a lot of work locally, particularly at Harrow School.”

The Harrow Hill Trust is a charitable organisation set up to care for the heritage and future of Harrow on the Hill and runs four walks on year on people, places and services associated with the Hill.

Architects on the Hill takes place on Sunday, May 27 at 2.30pm, meet at The Green, outside blues. Details: www.harrowhilltrust.org.uk