Most internet users are familiar with how online auctions work. For your amusement we present a rundown of some of the bizarre sales which have taken place on internet auction giant eBay ...

JUST how much is two pence worth? You would think that an average 2p piece would be worth, well, two pence. Wrong!

One of the most bizarre sales to have taken place on eBay involved a 1998 UK currency 2p piece which sold for a whopping £7.50.

If you think selling 2p for a huge profit is good business then you will be even more impressed by the people who have sold nothing on eBay.

Yes, believe it or not, many people have set up auctions to sell "absolutely nothing".

Some sellers have managed to auction off nothing for a few pence but one lucky person managed to sell their nothing for £51. Not bad for an initial outlay of nothing.

As well as searching for nothing, eBay is also a great place to buy musical instruments.

A popular item is the air guitar, and there are some real bargains to be had.

One unused air guitar recently sold, complete with air drumkit and air synthesiser, for just 35p.

Another ingenious idea is auctioning off containers of genuine London fresh air.

Surprisingly, a jar filled with air from Greenwich recently failed to attract any bids, though an envelope full of air from elsewhere in the capital did attract a winning bid of a penny last month.

Last in this round-up is Coca-Cola's highly-publicised but ultimately doomed Dasani bottled water. If you still have any unopened bottles lying around, the current going rate for them on eBay is about £1.

Your best bet for a sale is to describe the bottle as "rare".