MI5 has a new weapon in its fight against global terrorism you! The agency, which has always remained secretive for obvious reasons, is using the internet to engage the public in its work ...

BRITAIN'S MI5 is opening its previously heavily-guarded doors to the world through the internet.

Information previously only available to the government has been put into the public domain by the country's counter-terrorism service.

The online information, which is mainly aimed at businesses, aims to increase awareness to help protect against a terrorist attack.

The advice covers security measures which can be taken, from basic housekeeping in and around buildings, such as removing dense shrubbery, to screening potential members of staff.

The MI5 site calls on firms to make security awareness part of their culture and to train staff in emergency procedures.

You may wonder why an organisation like MI5 would want to launch a public awareness campaign but the service says this is one of its key roles.

The website says: "The service's role in countering security threats means we have in-depth knowledge on the capabilities, intentions, and operating methods of terrorists, foreign intelligence services and other sources of threat."

"Providing advice on how to protect against these threats is a core part of the security service's work and a wide range of this advice is now available on this website."

Two other interesting areas of the site are the How You Can Help section, which allows people to pass on any useful information regarding threats to national security, and the recruitment section, where you can apply for a range of jobs within the security service.

Protecting the country is no longer the exclusive responsibility of secret agents now you can play your part too.