Last week, I was out canvassing in West Harrow for the Labour Party. Residents were happy that we had dropped by and discussed their concerns — whether it be Northwick Park or issues with local pavements.

However, we were told by some residents, that the local Tories had allegedly made promises to resurface all roads and pavements, at the same time as lowering council tax and not making any cuts locally.

Firstly, MPs don’t control local council budgets and roads, and council tax is decided by councils, independently of MPs — the local prospective Conservative candidate would have no say over any of the issues.

If Tories did promise the world to residents without saying how they would pay for it is just plain wrong and reinforces people’s fears that politician’s will say anything just to get into power.

Cllr Kareema Marikar

Lab/West Harrow

Harrow Borough Council