Students were given an invaluable insight into working life as they took part in career guidance sessions hosted by business experts.

Representatives from Royal Bank of Scotland, Lancôme, Lloyds Banking Group, the NHS, Royal Mail, Yves Saint Laurent and many more attended the week-long event at Harrow College.

Those studying at the college learnt about the skills required to enjoy a successful career, including the importance of networking and building up work experience.

The sessions were described as ‘inspiring’ and ‘motivating’ by the students, who were shown the wide-range of opportunities available to them once they leave.

Michelle Carrington, an HR professional and one of the guest speakers, said: “It’s really important for young people to meet and speak to real people in work and to hear first-hand about the journey required to transition from education to employment.”

Her words were echoed by Harrow College’s head of learner services, experience and employment, Lee Janaway, who explained that it would be holding similar events in the future as well as maintaining the relationships it had developed during the week.