What do the stars have in store for you this week?

Our local clairvoyant Debbie Maya from Borehamwood gives an insight into what the stars have lined up for everyone this week.


Work: As the Moon moves into Aries you feel empowered to move forward on projects that have been delayed. Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Aries aspects will add a daredevil edge and give you inspiration.

Love: Venus moves into Aquarius and points towards more harmony in your relationships. Jupiter in Libra has held its breath and waited for this upturn in your fortunes. Now you can feel more at ease.

Watford Observer:


Work: Venus has moved into Aquarius so you may find that as the week progresses, you are not able to control everything that you would like. Air and fire are prevalent now, making for a lot of hot air.

Love: As Venus has moved into Aquarius, you may be able to relax a little, but you still have much to learn about not being so possessive.


Work: It does feel that during these past weeks you have had itchy feet, and perhaps a need to return to study and further education. If that is not possible now, there may be openings on courses to see how you can enhance your existing profession.

Love: Jupiter in Libra has emphasised your love life for a quarter of a year. Saturn has done so for over a year and Pluto for eight years. What has happened during this time period? Something must have gradually improved because Jupiter is known for being a lucky charm and remains connected to Saturn for the next quarter of a year. When these two planets transit so nicely in step with one another, they would like to achieve something good and beautiful.


Work: You may have felt jolts and sudden changes in the workplace whilst Uranus still works its way through Aries.. Sometimes these have been good changes, other times they haven’t. In either situation, you have not had control over those changes. You cannot hold onto the past. The Sun Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius may cause problems and delays.

Love: You may be experience some fallout now as the Sun and Saturn conjoin in Sagittarius. Nothing major, but perhaps a few irritants around in your love life.


Work: The Sun-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius should make you feel more confident and as the Moon moves into Aries, this effect is enhanced. You may have gone through a few ups and downs this week, maybe you feel you’re not being heard, or that you are not in touch with your workforce. But this should be ironed out soon.

Love: The Sun-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius may be causing you to be a little bit more sensible than you would normally be in relationships, and making you think a little bit more seriously about the future. That is not a bad thing, but you may feel you’ve lost your sparkle.

Watford Observer:


Work: As the Moon moves into Aries, you may feel a little less inhibited, and not feel overly comfortable about that. It sometimes feels as if you’ve been born in the wrong century! Neptune in Pisces continues to be a source of confusion and disillusionment both at work and in love.

Love: Neptune in Pisces still causes confusion and mistrust. With the Moon moving into Aries, you just feel a little out of kilter with those around you and you won’t be able to explain why to your partner.


Work: As the Moon moves into Aries, you may find your inability to make decisions emphasised. Whilst you come to your own conclusions in the end, you can often sit on the fence. With Jupiter in Libra, you can lose your thread, and Uranus in Aries can cause you upsets as a result of your indecision.

Love: Indecision this weekend can be felt in your partnerships. Try not to be too selfish here. Arguments may be higher than average over the next few days.


Work: The Sun-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius may be causing a knock-on depressive effect in the work area. Nothing drastic, but there are no redeeming features for you this week to help you get the most out of your work.

Love: Venus and Mars approaching each other in Aquarius are causing you to have a more detached look at your relationship. Scorpio doesn’t do detachment. You are vast, deep pools of huge turbulence and transformation. For you these next few weeks won’t make sense.


Work: The Sun and Saturn shake hands in Sagittarius this week, causing you a blip of delay, depression and despair. However, this won’t be for long, You are being forced to toe the party line and deliver. But aren’t you always? Or has the fun just gone out of work. Neptune continues to cause confusion. You need to make colleagues accountable for their actions.

Love: This week the Sun-Saturn connection brings an oppressiveness to your relationships. Maybe it is time to commit? Or maybe you feel that you are being forced into a corner. Either way you must look at your relationship with different eyes.

Watford Observer:


Work: The Sun conjuncting Saturn makes you feel that the world is all in order, and that despite the delays that may ensue, you feel that everything is as it should be.

Love: Venus moves into Aquarius, where Mars is currently residing. You find yourself thereby in a new relationship mode. You have left something behind you and test new paths. You may feel this shift, or you may be untouched by it.


Work: Venus moves into Aquarius this week enhancing all that you do and relaxing tension that has built up over the last few months. With the Sun conjuncting Saturn in Sagittarius you will experience a rather stop-go energy around you. There is nothing you can do about it. Just go with the flow.

Love: As Venus has moved into Aquarius, you will feel more at ease in your relationship. Your love affairs tend to work best when they have a firm basis in deep friendship and communication rather than heavy sex and intimacy.


Work: There is still confusion around in the workplace as Neptune strolls through your sign. The Sun conjoining Saturn will at times make you feel the world is against you. These situations seldom last for long.

Love: Neptune has for too long made you fearful and suspicious in love. You are a highly sensitive soul and sometimes you feel you are best on your own. As the Sun connects with Saturn, you may feel a slight downturn this week and sense forces causing you delay or depression in your relationships.