It’s a well-known fact that exercise releases endorphins, but we wanted to find out whether exercise can have any longer term wellbeing benefits.

We asked personal trainer Ben Binder how working out can boost your confidence and why HIIT trumps yoga in the mindfulness stakes…

1. Stop eating to much! there are so many apps and different ways in which you can watch your caloric intake, make use of them and know what your taking in. Make a weekly food plan to see what foods you should have more of and what should be eaten less frequent.

2. Pick an activity that you enjoy and look to do it every day, whether its going for a long walk, fitness class or playing a game of tennis. Mix them up and stay active throughout the week. If you don't enjoy it, you wont do it.

3. Remember it is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. Quick fixes will get the weight off faster but in time you will gain it just as quick. Like point number 2, find what you enjoy and stick to it.

4. Drink plenty of water. If you're not properly hydrated, your body can't perform at its highest level. You may experience fatigue which will effect your daily activity.

5. Get some decent advice. A good coach will help you break down barriers and make sure if you plateau, you will come out the right end.