A Harrow student was inspired to take Random Acts of Kindness Day to a new level.

Bobby Mill, who attends Harrow College, planned 20 good deeds to do over the 20-day run up to his twentieth birthday last week.

His kind acts included surprising his mother, giving roses out to strangers, buying a homeless person a meal and paying for a strangers parking ticket.

Bobby said: "I was determined to do this so that I could show my appreciation and inspire other people.

"The 20 days went really well, gave me enormous pleasure and brought a smile to many faces."

Random Act of Kindness Day , which was celebrated in mid-February, acknowledges those good deeds that make someone else’s life that little bit easier – even the smallest things, like holding the door open for someone or smiling at someone on the street.

But IT student Bobby wanted to spread his kindness out and after days of careful planning started his 20 day kindness mission.

He gave clothes away, wished strangers an "awesome day", gave teddy bears to children and stuck pennies in random places for good luck.

Bobby, who is also a recording artist, songwriter and music producer, said that his kindness was much more about inspiring others and fulfilling a wish to say thank you to his family, friends, Harrow College and the people of Harrow, who have offered him so much since his arrival into the UK three years ago.

Bobby’s act has not gone unnoticed internationally.

A video showing each act in the kindness mission has gone viral across social media networks in his home country of Macedonia and attracted more than 23,000 views on his YouTube channel.

Bobby’s 20 acts of kindness included:

• Day 1: Surprising his mum

• Day 2: Giving clothes away to the homeless

• Day 3: Giving roses to strangers

• Day 4: Buying a full meal for a homeless person

• Day 5: Sticking pennies in random places for good luck

• Day 6: Giving away teddy bears to little children with their parents

• Day 7: Paying for a strangers coffee

• Day 8: Making an umbrella available to a stranger in case it rains

• Day 9: Giving a gift card to a stranger

• Day 10: Producing a song in a music studio for free

• Day 11: Donating clothes to a charity shop (part 1)

• Day 12: Donating clothes to a charity shop (part 2)

• Day 13: Donating clothes to a charity shop (part 3)

• Day 14: Wishing strangers an awesome day

• Day 15: Buying a McFlurry for a child with their parents

• Day 16: Sticking pound coins to vending machines for people to buy a drink

• Day 17: Giving a book to a stranger

• Day 18: Leaving positive messages for his neighbours

• Day 19: Paying for a strangers parking ticket

• Day 20: Donating blood for the first time